Open Apps and Theme Editor

You can access the Aeneis Apps via the app menu in the menu bar in the Portal.

  • WebModeller : The WebModeller is the modeling environment. Here you can graphically model and customize diagrams, drawings and any model content.

  • SystemAdministration: The SystemAdministration is the configuration environment. Here you can configure the Portal, create print reports and configure other applications.

  • UserAdministration: UserAdministration is the environment for user and rights management. Here you can create new users, organize them into groups and assign the appropriate rights.

  • SystemAdministration: The ServerAdministration is the installation environment. Here administrators can manage all databases and licenses and configure new authentication types and jobs.

  • Theme Editor: You can use the Theme Editor to customize the Portal design.

Attention: Which apps you have access to depends on your rights in the Portal.